Τα πολυεπιχειρησιακά μας σεμινάρια προσφέρουν μοναδικές ευκαιρίες επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης για εσάς που επιθυμείτε να ενισχύσετε
τις δεξιότητες σας ή των υπαλλήλων σας.
Είναι ανοιχτά για όλους τους εργαζόμενους
σε εταιρείες στη χώρα μας και σε μεγάλο βαθμό επιχορηγημένα από την ΑνΑΔ.
In our seminars, we introduce the know-how, old and new knowledge. Using experiential learning as a tool, we take people through a subtle awakening process, breaking any mental barriers in order to enhance performance. Our education is offered with a high degree of personalisation, and our seminars are shaped and delivered with focused attention to your most pressing needs.

Our Sales training is highly personalised: The seminars are designed having our client's requirements & goals in mind, and the material is customized to fit the client's industry, with industry-specific examples & exercises.
During the seminar, whether we are training executives on Negotiation Skills or Customer Profiling & Prospecting, or even if we are teaching a Modern Sales Methodology, regardless of the subject, our priority is to adapt to our trainees' pains and challenges, and allow time & space for each concept to sink-in.
We teach all aspects of what comprises modern selling philosophy. All of the concepts that we teach are based on on-going scientific research conducted over several years.
The art of leadership is for anyone seeking to get a better understanding of leading with intention, responsibly and powerfully. We start with how leaders think, how they communicate and we take it all the way to a personal vision statement.
It’s a path designed for those who acknowledge being the leader of their own life and those that are actually leading others be it a small team or a company.
Our experience expands in subjects such as leading in crisis
and leading in times of change as well as strategic planning
for companies.


There is immense value in employees sharing the same productivity values and having a common understanding on what’s expected of them. For some of our customers these values come in the form of techniques like how to effectively manage time, better organize work, set powerful goals and prioritise action.
Other organizations give value to self-management qualities such as building resilience, counterbalancing stress and ensuring wellness. Some of the companies we work with are more committed to providing their employees with the necessary skills to build strong and lasting relationships at the workplace as the foundation of a powerful team that is productive, effective and flexible.
Be it teamwork, communication, time management, core values, change management, resilience and many more seminars, we are skilled to provide your frontline workforce with effective seminars that will take your company to the next level.
We are aware of the demanding position middle management is in almost any company and we have designed a series of seminars that meet their needs.
Our Executive Management curriculum includes introductory seminars for the managers that are newly promoted such as strategic planning for teams/departments, supervisory skills, coach employees at the workplace and more. We also offer advance management courses on decision making, problem solving, dealing with difficult people, emotional intelligence and motivation.
Being great advocates of effective communication at work and everywhere we like to give emphasis on how leaders/managers communicate and what it takes to build a highly performing team.